L.A. Beach Bums

Watch the edit:
BEACH IS BETTER! Santa Monica Beach in sunny LA is an iconic spot for bodybuilders and athletes around the world. The last years Freerunners have put their mark on this location.
The crew - Alfred Scott, Jason Paul and Dom Di Tommaso - gave it a good session!
Farang-Gear featured:
JAY0117 - Light up Set
Tre Capital - City Going Crazy
Andres - September 22 2017
Why I can’t watch the video ?
Isaac Dineen - July 14 2017
Why is it private now?? :(((
Arturs Ivanovs - March 07 2017
The video made more beautifull feelings into me :D <<<3
Joshua - January 21 2017
What kinda camera-gear do you use?
Josh - December 14 2016
pretty neat dude
Liam Bailey - September 26 2016
This is so sick! My fav trick was probs Doms 360 Dive front flip thing haha
Nice editing Anan :D
Anan Anwar - September 26 2016