X-Tour - Europe Trip - 2012

This summer Fastbreak gave us the opportunity to travel through Europe for an entire month and we just left the camera rolling as much as possible.
We travelled through Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France, England, Netherlands and Sweden with an oldschool VW van.
We believe that travelling is not just important for Freerunning, but also for life. The friends and experiences we made are priceless, no video could showcase the feeling of this journey.
The only way to get this feeling is by leaving the house and going out of what you are used to.
Enough philosophy for today, these are the awesome people that helped us out with their music, give them some love:
BARNZY (http://www.facebook.com/vsbarnzy)
JAYCALO (http://www.facebook.com/jaycalo1)
DANDEE (http://www.facebook.com/whoisdandee)
Tracklist (in order of appearance):
Barnzy - Sufjan
Dandee - Winner
Barnzy - Fleet Foxes
JayCalo - Bambino
Barnzy - Dirty Projectors
Barnzy - Sean Carey