4 The Love Of Shoes - 4TLOM Shoe Report

Every pair of shoes has a story - some intriguing, others simplistic.
At 4TLOM 2016 I set out to find these stories so I could share them with the world, and also possibly help you if you are looking for a new pair!
- This is DK and he is wearing mystery Adidas shoes. He got them at Decathlon Switzerland because he didn't have shoes in the country and needed some to take home. He picked a random pair and they worked out! 6/10 Decent shoe.
- Luke Stones jumps in the Asics Shaw Runners. These are a special pair of shoes. The story goes that one of Luke's friends, named Ekaitz, escaped Venezuela on a one-way trip to Bournemouth, England. Ekaitz became a part of the Bournemouth parkour community and travelled around the country training with Luke. Ekaitz considers the community closer than family and as a thank you gift and birthday present he gave Luke these shoes.
- Gareth Norvell of Rilla Hops does his huge jumps in the K-Swiss si-18 from Amazon. Black ones like these are seeeeeexy but difficult to find. "They're pretty freaking awesome, have fantastic padding for big jumps and bitch feet". Relatively durable and great to pick up chicks.
- Gingers seem to like K-Swiss si-18. Naturally, I found Ryan Luney sporting a pair. Ryan and a friend wanted a pair and looked everywhere, Ryan got lucky after some persistence on Amazon. Very durable, especially for those who do big tricks and jumps.
- Have you ever bought shoes from The Golf Warehouse? Joey Adrian did. He couldn't find a pair of Puma Faas so he settled on Puma Future Lites.
- Dominic Di Tommaso's mystery Adidas shoes were bought for a job in China. The project called for low-budget, black shoes. "They have the grip of a waterslide", they're a size too small and there's bits of black paint stuck to the sole from when they were spray-painted black. He planned to only wear them for the job but 2 days before leaving for 4TLOM his trainers broke. "I'm just making do with what I've got, plus apparently sliding is cool..."
- Thyrone Paas chose the Asics Gel Lyte III. They're "the best fucking shoe ever" that lets you feel everything but still provides ample padding for tricks. Thyrone bought them from some Dutch website, which isn't very descriptive but they're super easy to find and come in a billion colour-ways.
- Joseph James Henderson rocks the black Adistar Racers from Amazon. He previously trained in low-impact shoes but started to get knee problems so he was advised to invest in slightly more impact resistant shoes. "Best shoes ever", moderate resistance and goes reasonably well with any outfit. If you're having troubles finding them online you can also check out the Adidas ZX Racer.
- Award for most surprising training shoe goes to Marselo Martini. He wears a pair of mystery Vans. Marselo admires the skateboarding aesthetic and the flatness of the shoe. They let you feel the floor and go great with an insole. Good trick/flow shoe.
- Jamie Culkin's Feiyue Fe Lo Classics come from his past as a Shaolin Temple Kung-Fu monk, which is fucking badass. The shoes are widely used in the discipline and are dirt cheap if you know where to look online. They feel every detail of the ground, shape to any obstacle, and very easily roll up into travel bags. Not great for any kind of high-impact training unless you're light on your feet. You shouldn't buy them directly off the Feiyue website because they're hella overpriced.
- Shady dude Alex Schauer stole his Puma Naritas off of a mentally ill, homeless man. Disgusting.
- Luis Alkmim trains in Asics Shaw Runners from Amazon. They broke in a single week, but they seem to sell for pretty cheap online so it's not much of an issue.
- Coincidentally, Phosky also trains in Shaw Runners. He saw people in them and couldn't find K-Swiss trainers so he just bought these from Amazon. They also broke in one week.
- Stas wears the Adidas Essential Star 2.0's, as suggested by Pasha. They're great for training and a durable shoe, lasting a top-level athlete like Stas around 6 months. You can find them on the Adidas website.
- Anan Anwar styles in the Supra Muska 001, bought from the Supra Store. They're "functional, comfortable as fuck, look fucking sexy, and provide lots of ankle support."
- This is my foot. It is a gift from my mom and dad. They take a long time to break in, but you feel absolutely everything when you train in them. In my experience they have very little grip especially during long sessions or hot days. Wouldn't recommend using for big tricks on concrete or huge arm jumps/cat leaps. Comes in multiple colours and are very accessible, but expensive to replace.
Trumph Donalds - March 11 2025
hassan - June 27 2018
Thank you for sharing such a great articles. You have written amazing and attractive aricles on Parkour shoes.
Here is The best parkour shoe for parkour training Parkour Shoes
Harry - August 23 2017
When are you guys releasing your own shoe?
sharjel ashraf - June 20 2017
I loved the feiyue classic monk shoes because of their durability and low cost.
Blake adams - March 29 2017
What shoes does jason paul wear??
harley and justin - August 10 2016
love ya vidz m8
Liam Barnes - July 05 2016
Finally all my questions in life are answered!